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About WAW

To be a Food Waste Warrior!

‘What A Waste’ mission is to reduce nation wide’s food waste and give it to the marginalised community instead. We believe in saving as little as one portion of food! Every food counts!


The mission started with an aspiration to streamline food waste cycle in Malaysia. Seeing the success of other countries by using the advantage of technology, as a true Malaysian who understands our unique culture and context, the passion of ‘IF IS NOT ME, WHO WILL IT BE’ born. The motivation grows as we receive more support from like-minded people who have the heart to save food rather than seeing the food being thrown. This go in tandem with seeing the smiles from underprivileged families that received sponsored food. From physical works of collection, storage and distribution – it is NOW the time to showcase a revolutionary food donation platform. With the substantial physical works reduced, we can reach out to the community that have never been reached before, and to cover nationwide of potential food waste and family in need of food, much faster and more efficient.


Saving Food and Feeding Needy Community hand in hand! We are looking for food operators that have daily unsold food, and willing to give out through What A Waste (WaW) platform. Through WaW platform, the food will make accessible to the needy recipients and they will collect available food from the nearest available locations.
What A Waste (WaW) App allows donating and receiving of food in 3 simple steps, and we humbly connect with every food provider no matter how small they are. We support local entrepreneurs, caterers, suppliers or traders and manufacturers who have the heart to donate their surplus food. However, the greater satisfaction is the RETURN! Business owners may gain new customers and recognition as a food waste warrior, we can reduce more food waste and able to help more families in need. We are all helping in reducing carbon food print and our environment. Our ultimate outcome is no food waste, and no poverty hunger!